I'm a Howard Stern fan so of course I hate Don Imus. But honestly, I never even heard of the guy until I heard Stern call him a geriatric media whore. Here's my take on the whole thing. There are seven large multi-national companies that control 90% of the media output in this country. Now these companies exist for one reason only - to sell advertising. Now the reason Imus was fired was not because he called the Rutgers women's basketball team "nappy headed ho's", but because the major advertisers started to pull their ads from his program. Imus likes to style himself as a Maverick. But make no mistake, he was a big media whore, slopping it up with the rest of the conglomerations. The fact that he is a victim of a system that he himself helped to create is just funny.
The real losers in all this are we the consumers of news who have to pick and choose and search online and in various "outside the grid" publications to get to the truth of what is happening in our country and the world. After all it was our corporate owned media who beat the drums of war for the Bush administration in 2003. Even the so-called liberal New York Times, with Judith Miller, breathlessly warned us of WMD's and mobile weapons labs, and Uranium from Niger ect, ect.
Of course, a few of these conglomerates also have manufacturing interest in the arms industry. And war has always been very good for business.