Monday, November 14, 2005

President - Heal Thy Self

President W doesn't trust himself. He relies, as he once famously said, on a "higher father" for guidance. The problem for the president is the "higher father" is no longer picking up the phone. And who can blame Him? Look at W's poll numbers. I believe if we take a look back, we can see why eventually W stopped trusting himself.

Take college for example. He opts to become a male cheerleader. Not a good idea. But his family connections get him through to his next endeavor, avoiding the draft. After spending thousands of dollars and countless hours teaching him how to fly a plane, the Texas Air National Guard "allows" him to drop his flight status. So he goes back to schoool. Which was probably a good idea, so I would imagine someone told him to do this. It had to be around this time that he started his drinking and coke habbit. I'm sure this had a detrimental effect on his many business failures. But thanks again to his family connections he's bailed out time and time again.

At some point, Laura tells him to get off the sauce and the nose candy. This is another piece of really good advice. Now he's starting to see how inadequate his own thought process is. He's starting to see that his judgement is so bad that he should just stop making decisions all together. Now he just lets his wife, his daddy's friends and the good Lord above tell him what to do. This is how it all started.

Down there in Texas, nobody gave him a chance to be Governor. He put his trust and faith in Karl Rove. He listened to Karl. And I'll be damned, he became governor. Why stop there he was told. Why not make a run for the White House? Karl Rove worked his magic, and he almost won. Almost, but daddy's friends had to come help out once again. By now, W was just a shell of a man. The program had already been written. He was just executing the play. And then 9/11 happened.

This was his chance he thought. I'll go down in history as the man who beat back the enemies of the republic. I'll wipe the evil-doers from the face of the earth. Once again Rove was there. Rove tells W we can implement this Project For A New American Century plan. A plan to remake the middle east.

Who knows what Bush really thought. He was on auto pilot. And has been since he was forty years old. Iraq. Iraq. Iraq. Yes, Iraq.

Well, it worked good enough for a second term. Because no one knew where all the bodies were buried yet. Yet. Rove says, we must do something domestically, with all this political capital. Rove says, we will get rid of Social Security. He sends W off on a 60 city dog and pony show. Pre-screened audiences. No press conferences.
Rove has miscalculated.

Then Katrina hits. People wonder, does W have a real plan domestically? More questions start. Outing a CIA officer? Secret prisons? More torture? Now the plan is send Chaney to pressure the senate not to outlaw torture and send the president in front of the cameras to proclaim our abhorance of torture.

No country in South America wants to be seen working with W. The reckless policies of this White House have turned even the Americas against us. Now he's on his way to Asia, our bankrollers, presumably to get more bank. And now he has no where to turn. His most trusted advisor is a marked man. Chaney has gone off the deep end. His daddy's still shaking his head over that whole male cheerleader thing. Now all W can do is pander to his base, raise a little money and hope that no more bodies are discovered on the White House lawn. Three years is a long time.


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