Thursday, November 04, 2004

A Simple Prayer

Inspired by "Jenny" in Forrest Gump.

Please God,
make me a millionaire,
so I can get the hell away,
from the rest of these assholes.

Please God,
make me a millionaire,
so I can get the hell away,
from the rest of these assholes.

Also God, could you please smite that guy who parks next to me in my garage.
He drives that huge SUV and he always parks so close to me that it's hard to open the door and get in. Also he has a Bush/Cheney sticker on his bumper, so please smite him espescially well.

And please God,
throw a lightning bolt especially close to that guy who almost ran me off the interstate today. I didn't see any stickers on his bumper, but he was driving a black Altima with Shelby county tags.

And I know you'll do these things for me God,
'cause you owe me big time!

And we both know what I'm talking about.

Thanks man.



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